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Vigorously Defending Federal Employees Since 1991.

Race Discrimination Lawyers for Federal Employees

MSPB Race Discrimination

Race discrimination in the workplace cannot be tolerated. This is true in both the public and private sectors, and protection against discrimination based on race, ethnicity, color or nationality is one of the fundamental rights of federal employees.

For federal employees, protection exists under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII prohibits discrimination in the workplace on the basis of race and color, and it provides legal remedies to those who have been treated unfairly. This includes:

  • Discriminatory Treatment – Including being denied employment, advancement, compensation, and other federal employment-related opportunities on the basis of race or color.
  • Discriminatory Employment Policies – Including policies that are not specifically related to employment or business-related matters and which have a disparate impact on employees of a particular race or color.
  • Harassment Based on Race or Color – Including racial slurs, display of racist symbols, and other racially-motivated acts by supervisors, co-workers, and other federal and non-Federal employees.

Each year, tens of thousands of federal employees file race discrimination complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). However, only a small percentage of these claims result in favorable resolutions for the employee. Unfortunately, many employees lose cases because they lack the legal representation needed to effectively present their case before the EEOC.

At Leitner Varughese Warywoda Law, we are passionate about making sure our clients’ voices get heard. We fight aggressively for federal employees who are victims of race discrimination. If you believe that you are a victim of race discrimination, we will provide you with a straightforward and honest assessment of your legal rights, and if you are entitled to remedies under Title VII we will do what it takes to make sure that justice is served.

Racial Discrimination Against Federal Employees FAQs

Q: What constitutes race-based discrimination under Title VII?

The racial discrimination provisions of Title VII are broader than most people realize. While Title VII prohibits discrimination in employment based upon the affected employee’s race or color, this is not the only protection afforded to federal employees under the law. Under Title VII, federal employers are also prohibited from making employment decisions based upon:

  • Neutral policies that disproportionately affect individuals of a certain race or color;
  • An employee’s marriage or association with a person of a particular race or color;
  • Membership in a particular ethnic group or organization;
  • Stereotypes about persons of a particular race or color; and,
  • Participation in cultural practices associated with a particular race, provided that such participation does not materially interfere with the performance of the employee’s job responsibilities.

Q: Are race discrimination and color discrimination different?

Yes. Race discrimination refers to disparate treatment among employees of different races, while color discrimination can include disparate treatment of employees of the same race. For purposes of Title VII, “color” means the “pigmentation, complexion, or . . . shade or tone” of a person’s skin.

Q: What is involved in filing a claim for race discrimination against the federal government?

In order to assert your rights under Title VII, as a federal employee you must first contact an equal employment opportunity counselor within 45 days of the date on which the discrimination occurred. Your case will then proceed to either counseling or an alternative dispute resolution program (such as mediation), after which you can file a formal complaint with your agency. You are entitled to legal advice and representation throughout this process, and to protect your rights it is strongly recommended that you consult with an attorney before filing.

Q: Can I be fired from my federal job for filing a race discrimination complaint with the EEOC?

All employers, including the federal government, are prohibited from retaliating against employees who assert their rights under Title VII. If you lose your job, get demoted, or face other adverse employment action because you filed a discrimination claim with the EEOC, you may be entitled to additional financial compensation.

Contact Us Nationwide for a Confidential Consultation

For more information about filing a claim against the federal government for race discrimination, we invite you to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our attorneys. You can call (888) 594-0424 to request an appointment, or tell us about your case online and we will be in touch as soon as possible.