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This website does not constitute an offer of representation. It also does not create an attorney-client relationship with Leitner Varughese Warywoda Law or MSPBAttorneys Media LLC. Viewing this website and communicating with LVW Law or MSPBAttorneys Media LLC by electronic mail does not create an attorney-client relationship. Contacting LVW Law or MSPBAttorneys Media LLC through the internet is not considered secure. As a result, you should not send confidential or sensitive information that may be illegally intercepted by others.
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Various pages on this website contain links to other companies, services and resources on the World Wide Web. These include the Merit Systems Protection Board (also called the MSPB). These links are provided as aids and as a public information service only. LVW Law and MSPBAttorneys Media LLC make no representations regarding the quality of services offered by any of these companies or individuals. LVW Law and MSPBAttorneys Media LLC also make no representations regarding the accuracy or any other aspect of information in other websites.